An all volunteer adult community wind ensemble based in the greater Sacramento area.
Dr. Matthew Morse, Music & Artistic Director

Dances and Other Spring Things

Sunday, May 5th, 2024 – 2:30 pm

Tickets at the door.
General Admission: $15
Students (high school/college) $10
Children (8th grade and under) Free


Samuel Hazo
Suite of Old American Dances
Robert Russell Bennett
1. Cake Walk
2. Schottische
3. Western One-Step
4. Wallflower Waltz
5. Rag
Hold This Boy and Listen
Carter Pann
Amparito Roca
Jaime Texidor

§====== Intermission ======§

Easter Monday on the White House Lawn
John Philip Sousa
Prelude, Siciliano, and Rondo
Malcolm Arnold arr. John Paynter
Children’s March “Over the Hills and Far Away”
Percy Aldridge Grainger
Festive Proclamation
Claude T. Smith